
Kerr Home Canning Book

and how to FREEZE Foods

Dedicated to homemakers everywhere

Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation

Sands Springs, Oklahoma
Telephone 918 - CI - 5-1313

Dear Homemaker:

There has been a real revival of home canning throughout our Nation. There seems to be a genuine yearning for fresh-from-the-garden vegetables, tree-ripened fruits, and tasteful, satisfying meats, not to mention delicious jams, jellies, preserves, pickles, etc.

In this day and age, with its tremendous demands upon their time, homemakers are learning to prepare home-canned foods in the cool of the early mornings. By so doing they soon build up an ample supply of "taste-treats" which can be served on short notice, or used to create a complete dinner.

Our men-folks are longing for and even demanding these appetizing foods that tickle the palate. Reach into your canning cupboard for home-canned foods, or into the freezer filled with your frozen foods, and in no time at all, those Magic Dishes can be ready to set before them!

"Give your family a treat.
Home-canned foods can't be beat!"

Yours for KERR Home-Canned or Frozen Foods,
Ruth Kerr
Mrs. Alexander H. Kerr, President
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation

This website is for historical purposes only. The information contained herein was originally written and published by the Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corporation. Copyright 1948, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1965, 1969 KERR GLASS MFG. CORP.

"KERR" is a registered trademark of Hearthmark, LLC LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DELAWARE 9999 E. 121st St. Fishers INDIANA 46037

The KERR Glass Manufacturing brand is now owned by Hearthmark, LLC dba Jarden Home Brands. All Rights Reserved.

Walking Conundrum is not associated with Hearthmark or Jarden Home Brands